Schemes and Orders on the Internet

Charity Commission Schemes and Orders

How to view and make representations on Charity Commission draft schemes and orders

What is a scheme?

A scheme is a legal document produced by the Charity Commission, which can amend all or any part of a charity's governing document, and affects how a charity is managed. We usually make a scheme when a charity cannot run effectively in accordance with its existing governing document and the trustees are unable to make the necessary changes themselves.

Usually, we will make a scheme for one or more of the following reasons:

  • modernise or widen the purposes of a charity to allow its income to be applied more effectively for the benefit of its beneficiaries;
  • amalgamate charities to enable the more effective use of charitable funds;
  • modify the administrative provisions to enable trustees to run their charity more effectively.

Further guidance on making changes to a charity's governing document can be found in our publication CC36.

What is an order?

We also have powers to issue legal documents known as orders. Orders are made for a variety of purposes and can be temporary or permanent in nature. The types of orders we issue include:

  • enabling - giving trustees the permission to carry out an action
  • directive - ordering trustees to take action, usually to improve the governance and effectiveness of a charity
  • protective - to safeguard a charity and prevent abuse, usually used after the Commission has opened a statutory inquiry

Why do we give public notice?

We will often give public notice of our intention to make a scheme or order to allow affected parties to submit their comments, known as representations, to assist us in deciding whether:

a. to proceed with the proposed scheme or order
b. it is necessary to modify the scheme or order before bringing it into force

Making a representation about a draft scheme or order

Who can make a representation?

Anyone can make a representation following the publication of a draft scheme or order. Representations can be made by an advocate or person acting on the applicant's behalf, but we may ask for written confirmation that they are acting on the applicant's behalf.

How to make a representation?

We require that representations be made in writing electronically so that we have a full and accurate understanding of the points you want us to consider. If there's any reason why you cannot do this, please let us know as we may be able to help you.

You can make your representation using the draft schemes and order link below - choose the relevant charity name and submit your comments using the 'make representation' button

Your representation:

a. must be relevant to the proposed scheme / order and submitted within the time limit set out in the notice; and
b. should explain why you object to or support the proposed scheme / order.

You can read further information about making representations in section 4 of our guidance 'Dissatisfied with one of the Charity Commission's decisions: how we can help you.'

How do I view a scheme or order?

Click on 'Draft Schemes and Orders' or 'Sealed Schemes and Orders' in the 'View Scheme and Orders open for representations' section below.

This brings up a list of draft/sealed schemes. You can then click on the charity you are looking for.

Alternatively, you can complete one or more of the search fields in the 'search by' section and press search. If this does not bring up what you are looking for, please try using the links in the 'View Scheme and Orders open for representations' section.

Once you have selected your chosen charity, you can click 'View Full Scheme/Order' to view the scheme or order, or click on 'Make Representation' and complete the form to make a representation.

Making Representations about Schemes and Orders

Type of Schemes and Orders - Figures for Current Schemes and Orders open for representation:

Modernising or Widening the objects of a charity
Merging or Amalgamating charities together
Enhancing the Governance of a charity
Public notice of intention to use Power

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